When it’s time to bring BIG. SIMPLE. IDEAS. to life, we have an in-house team of carpenters, electricians, metal workers, welders, and one guy who plays a mean banjo ready to crank up the Gearhouse and deliver the goods with the kind of quality, cost, and schedule control that sets us apart.  


Pop-Tarts is debuting their newest flavor: PB&J. Engaging the late teens is key to the new flavor campaign, so how can Pop-Tarts aim to speficially target the group? As a quick turn project and a stand alone PR stunt, Pop-Tarts is looking for a social engagement platform. 



Planned as a stunt drop, Pop-Tarts and Gigunda built a custom crate featuring Pop-Tart branding filled with that hot new flavor: PB&J. Attaching a parachute, the crate was brought to the University of New Hampshire campus in the middle of the night for a morning surprise. As students walked to class the next morning, they discovered this mystery Pop-Tarts crate. Prying it open, they found a stash of the new flavor generating an imense social response to their @PopTarts-411.

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